It's time to say YES to you.

No more pouring from an empty cup. You deserve to say yes to you & embrace life as a full-cup mom. This program will teach you how to easily stick to healthy habits around food, movement, mindset & more so you can get back in the drivers seat of your life.

A healthy, happy mom is the best gift you can give your family.

Does this sound like you?

You want to feel good in your body

It sucks going into your closet & nothing makes you feel good. You want to recognize the body you see in the mirror again. You want to get dressed & feel a zing of confidence. You want to feel light, lean & strong in your body & feel confident in how you're nourishing yourself in the kitchen without diets or restriction.

You want to feel more in control and less anxious

On the outside it seems like you're fine, but inside you're overthinking, overwhelmed, and drained from the chaos. You want to feel more in control, confident, motivated & energized so you can do all the things & handle all the emotions that come with being a mom without feeling frustrated or scattered all the time.

You want to the best for your daughter

Not only do you want to show up for your daughter as the best mom you can be, but you also want her to learn how to be healthy, confident, less stressed and to have more strategies for taking care of herself... and you know that it starts with you. You're ready to do the work to become the best version you can offer her AND lead by example in showing her what it looks like to truly be a woman who takes care of herself.

All of this is possible for you!

& it starts with leading yourself so you can lead your family.

No more focusing on what you have to say NO to, this program teaches you how to say YES to

...foods that fuel you.

...habits that save you time & energy.

...filling your own cup so you can fill others.

...feeling your best inside & out.

This is the framework for the Positively Lighter ™ method.

The Positively Lighter™ Pillars

Simplifying Nutrition

Learn how to make healthy eating easy, satisfying & stress-free. Unlike diets that focus on what you can't have or how to eat less, we focus on all the good stuff to add in & how to properly fuel yourself. You take the guess work out of what to eat so you can easily create healthy meals that your whole family will enjoy.

Whole-Life Habits

Build the healthy habits that not only allow you to feel great in your body but in your mind & life too. This includes your sleep, environment, movement, stress & emotional management & mindfulness. Learn how to truly fill your cup & take care of yourself, even as a busy mom with a ton on her plate.

Raising Your Vibe

Support your emotions & mood to make everything else in your life that much easier. You'll learn how to protect your energy, release things that lower your vibe and shift your mindset to feel more in control. This will help keep you on track with your healthy eating & habits and give you more peace, energy & motivation.

Here's How It Works:

make healthy eating simple & enjoyable

complete daily lessons & action steps

shift your mindset, energy & vibe

adopt systems & habits for success

I'm a mom to three beautiful girls, a wife, a fitness instructor and a life coach.

In 2014, as a young mom of 2 girls, I felt like I had it all together on the outside, but on the inside, I was constantly struggling to feel good in my body, to feel in control and to be the mom I wanted to be.

I was exhausted & drained from overthinking food and my body, from the stress of being a mom, and from trying to "keep it together" all the time. Plus I was trapped in the cycles of dieting that left me even more defeated and frustrated.

I kept thinking there was something wrong with me, until a huge wake up call in the form of a third baby (HELLO, Ella!) came into my life and changed it for the better.

As a mom of 3 girls, I knew something needed to change. I did not want to lead my girls down the path I had led myself down. So I invested in myself, upgraded my habits, healed my relationship with my body and food and built a new mindset. This led me down a path of total transformation!

But it didn’t happen all at once…I had to jump around from program to program, investing thousands of dollars in mentors, coaches, programs to get all the different pieces of the puzzle.

There was no one place that had it all laid out, especially for girl moms...

So I spent the next few years researching, getting many certifications, applying my master's degree in curriculum, and coaching hundreds of mom's.

From this, I created the Positively Lighter™ Program for moms who want to build healthy habits for themselves & their families! For the moms ready for a new paradigm of motherhood & leading the next generation of girls.

As a mom, YOU are the leader of your family.

So show your family what it looks like to be a woman who

...loves herself & her body.

...takes care of herself inside & out.

...has the energy & bandwidth to be truly present. able to be calm, peaceful, happy & confident.

You get to set the example for your family.

That's exactly what you'll learn to do inside of

"Before I started this program, I knew what I was supposed to do when it came to eating and exercising, but it was just too easy for me to make excuses! I didn't have any habits to make it easier. I seemed to be struggling in a few areas all related to food and my body.

After joining P.L I now feel in control, which is so important to me. I feel like I am setting a good example for my kids. I'm not feeling deprived, yet I'm making choices that are good for me. I've been able to spend more quality time with my family and be more present! We've hiked, played, swam, and giggled more lately than we have in a long time. Today, I am so much more the person I want to be."

- Laura -

You deserve to feel your best

for you & for them

Just imagine a future where...

You feel confident & excited to get dressed in the morning because you love the way you feel and are confident in how you look.

You know what to eat and actually enjoy it! You feel confident & satisfied with what you're feeding yourself and your family.

You go on vacation and actually fully enjoy yourself swimming, laying out and playing with your kids on the beach because you're not overly concerned with your body anymore.

You wake up each morning with gratitude for your body and knowing you can make choices that serve you without stress.

You'll no longer have spirals of guilt over food or time or the busyness of life. You know what works for you and what doesn’t – you get off the rollercoaster of binges and dieting and you are consistent with what you want to do.

You'll feel EMPOWERED, GROUNDED, and CENTERED and no longer have the feeling of life being out of your control.

6-Week Positively Lighter™ Program

Next round starting September 5

  • Access to the Positively Lighter™ App

  • Weekly menu plans & grocery lists

  • Daily audio lessons & action steps (less than 10 mins/ day)

  • Live weekly group calls via Zoom (replays available)

  • Private community for support and accountability

  • 24/7 access in the app for questions & support


Small Call to Action Headline

How do I know if Positively Lighter™ is right for me?

Positively Lighter is RIGHT for you if...

  • You're ready to make healthy eating easier with nutrition that nourishes your body & family and finally say goodbye to diets, restriction, guilt & shame

  • You want a plan that makes life easier so you can have more energy, clarity & mental space to do, be & feel how you want every single day

  • You want a space to ask questions, celebrate yourself, and have support from women that truly get it

  • You want to become a positive example for your daughter by learning to love, nourish & respect yourself fully by the way you show up for yourself

Positively Lighter is NOT right for you if...

  • You're just looking for a quick fix solution to lose 20 pounds or are just focused on changing your body

  • You want to keep trying to figure it out on your own & aren't interested in support or learning a new way

  • You're not ready for someone to hold you accountable to the amazing mom & woman you can be

  • You don’t have 10 minutes a day to dedicate to your own growth, habits & health

Positively Lighter was created to help women feel their best because it is our love and energy that take care of the world. If we take care of ourselves, the world is a better place. The solution was never in shakes, meal plans or detoxes.

"Before this program, I was struggling with my weight, and sticking to a weight loss program. I was tired all the time and felt like my life was running me rather than me running my life. I had tried so many things but nothing lasted longer than a few weeks.

With Ali, I love the accountability! Even though I could do things by myself now, realise I am so much better off with someone keeping me accountable!! And I love how positive she is, and gently encouraging me at each step- and meeting me where I am. The 'whole-person makeover' is what sets this program apart. Affirmation. Self love. Podcasts. Clearing out your physical spaces (and emotional ones). New habits that are crowding out the old ones!

- Mara -

Ready to feel Positively Lighter™?

The best gift you can give yourself and your family is the gift of your best self.

This is the version of you that is most present, most able to enjoy the life you have created.

This is the version of you that is free from the dieting rules & obsession with your body image.

This is the version of you that is on top of things and in control.

This is the version of you that is connected & grounded in positive energy.

...she's right here waiting for you to say YES to her.

"Before I started this program, I was working out about three times per week but was not looking at how I ate. I was having get-togethers with friends and we were eating spreads of unhealthy snacks all the time. I felt so frustrated as I wasn't seeing any results, despite my efforts at the gym. Having completed the Kijia program, I am most proud of the weight that I have lost and the way I am fitting back in my clothes. I am back down to where I was when I got married nine years ago - and it feels GREAT! I am making better food choices and it is so much more rewarding and satisfying. I am running a half marathon this fall and I am also signed up for a fun triathlon in the summer to try a new challenge. I would not have felt ready for these challenges if it weren't for Kijia. Thanks so much, Ali!!"

- Katie -

Here’s what more past grads have to say...


Frequently asked questions...

How do I know this is going to work for me?

There is no way to fail when you join Positively Lighter. You are given so many tools, strategies and practices to create the change you are looking for. Whether you like the daily accountability, the weekly calls, the supportive community, the daily lessons or the Voxer support – you can be sure that you will move forward on your Kijia.

How is this program different from others?

This program is about YOU getting results in a way that works for you – it’s not about the plan/diet/program. Yes, there is a plan (an amazing one) but it all comes down to you taking action that feels good and fits your life to move your forward! It’s focused on you and your life, your personality, your situation, and the results and shifts you want to see in your mind, body and life.

There is no way to fail. This program is about making life easier, getting better at things you want to do and feeling good doing it. This is a life-coaching program that will solve your problem with food as you gain so much in the process.

How much time will this take? Will I have time?

The lessons in the program take about 5-10 minutes to listen to each day and really help set your intentions for the day and get your mind in the place for success. They can be listened to when you are in the car, getting ready in the morning or on a walk – all through the Kijia app – or you can read them if you prefer! The group coaching calls are an hour a week – all on Zoom! The habits and actions vary based on what works in your life!

You absolutely have time to do this program because it will actually save you SO MUCH TIME. You will save time because you will no longer be chasing your tail or doing the same things over and over and hoping for a different result. You will save time because you will be able to stop starting over, and you will know what to put your time and attention into!

What if I can’t make a group call?

No worries! The group calls are available to watch on replay! You can also always reach out for coaching in between calls in our community group!

What if I'm afraid to invest in myself?

Investing in yourself can feel scary at first – but I promise it is what provides the biggest rewards. When you invest in yourself, you step up and lead yourself in a whole new way. You show for yourself and that creates a positive ripple effect. If you are not willing to invest in yourself, it will be hard to create the positive change you are looking for.

You can also choose the payment plan on the checkout page. And remember - this is a lifelong investment!

Is there coaching involved?

Yes for sure! Coaching is my FAVORITE. It’s a chance to connect to you and that is what I love most! There is coaching in a group format (think amazing authentic conversations that address things you think you are the only one who is going through – it’s not scary – I promise) as well as an option to do 1-1 coaching weekly if that is better for your needs!

If you've still not sure if this is right for you, you can click here to book a call to see if the program is a good fit for your goals and needs.

© Ali Hively {{right_now.year}}
